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30 Years

Consulting Experience


Satisfied Customers

Empowering a global community of investors

{$settings.site_name} is the trading and investing platform that empowers you to grow your knowledge and wealth as part of a global community.
We all want our money to work harder. Some of us are beginners, some more experienced, but we all wish that we could do better.
{$settings.site_name} was founded in 2018 with the vision of a world where everyone can trade and invest in a simple and transparent way.
We believe there is power in shared knowledge. So we’ve created an investment community built around social collaboration and investor education. Our platform is designed to provide you with the tools you need to grow your knowledge and wealth.
We can become more successful by investing together.


We operate long-term assets and businesses across the globe. This approach dictates both our investment strategy and our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. We believe that value creation and sustainable development are complementary goals. Throughout our operations, we are committed to practices that have a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.

We Are Transparent


We will track and report GHG emissions consistent with GHG Protocol and PCAF standards.
We will publish decarbonization plans every five years consistent with the Paris Agreement.
We continue to align our business with the TCFD recommendations and are targeting to incorporate TCFD disclosures for the 2023 fiscal year.

industry-leading returns


We will continue to pursue industry-leading returns for our investors, consistent with our long track record of building the backbone of a more sustainable global economy.

Transition to Net Zero


We will catalyze companies onto Paris-aligned net zero pathways through our new Global Transition investment strategy, focusing specifically on investments that will accelerate the transition to a net zero carbon economy.

We will collaborate


We will work with leading private sector initiatives to advance the role of finance in supporting the economy-wide transition, to accelerate capital flows consistent with the Paris Agreement, and to promote widespread adoption of decision-useful methodologies to support credible transition planning, analysis and investing.

Project development


So we're deep in project development here, and things are coming along nicely. We've got a solid plan in place and our team is firing on all cylinders. There's still work to be done, but we're excited about what we're building.

We will go further


In addition to continuing to make major investments in renewable energy globally, we will manage our investments to be consistent with the transition to a net zero economy. As a recent signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, we have made a commitment to investing aligned with net zero emissions by 2050 and implementation of science based approaches and standardized methodologies through which to deliver these commitments.


Meet our advisers

Hey everyone, meet our amazing advisers! They're here to help and guide us through anything.

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Jonathan Rios


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Shalom Baker


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Jonathan Pacquiao


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Aisha Amadou


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